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A little post about some down time in the winter.

My brain is a revolving door. These past few weeks I've been working from home on projects for the farm and other side work to help pay the bills. The whole time, I'm wondering, "What am I going to do with this?".

The mystery of knowing what you want is just one step on the journey of what you actually do with that information. I know I want to continue this career in flowers, but where should I take my next steps once next season is over?

I thrive off of preparation. It's why I loved working in television - the magic was in troubleshooting the studio's technical equipment and setting up for the show. That's when we shaded, set up lighting cues, and went over show segments. Nothing was ever a surprise, even if it was, because we knew what to do in the event of complete catastrophe.

This flower business is a whole other ball game. I have to learn the tools that have been given to me and find out where my magic lies in them all over again. I find myself pulled in by the farming aspect more than the wedding world, but that may change next year when I'm covered in mud and pulling weeds in the rain.

On the other hand I am trying my best to take this time to rest my mind. I can easily overwhelm myself with the nagging urge to work work work. Because money=happiness, right? Even I know that isn't true, but it definitely makes life easier. BUT it feels like I may never get this opportunity again, especially if my wild dreams do come true and I begin doing my own thing. Then the game is really on.

What would you do in this situation? I'm curious to know.

I'm making lists and brainstorming business ideas, business names, locations, sources of revenue. You know, the usual. Because in reality, I could never sit still in school, and I sure as hell can't sit still in my career.

My first arrangement.

Some tunes...




Angie Wilson is a farmer-florist located in Connecticut. She has the pleasure of working with different florists in the area, whether as a freelance floral designer for Connecticut weddings, or providing locally-grown, fresh flowers to other designers from her full-time job at Eddy Farm in Newington, CT. 

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