As you may or may not know, I have been obsessed with a floral arrangement I made for my parents last weekend. Why? Because it actually is in line with the type of design I like. Yay!
But like every arrangement, it didn't start off all hunky dory. When I first decided to make an arrangement for my parents, I assumed I'd use mostly purple flowers since that is my mother's favorite color. It also happened to be quite abundant on the farm last week, so I thought that worked out nicely.
First, I picked out some magenta gomphrena and celosia. (Not my photos, but they will do the trick)

I then knew I'd need some whites to break up the bright colors of these two above. I headed for some leftover lisianthus that was still growing in Greenhouse 1 of the farm. I placed them in the bucket once finished.
I then wandered over to the bronzed fennel. I had been eyeing it's leaves because from some angles, they look like gray/dark purple/green and I wanted to add some deep hues.
After I placed that in the bucket as well, my coworker Kate went over to the mums that were just popping up. Immediately, I eyed a mum that was a beautiful, deep pink/rose color. It did not match my color scheme at all, but I picked it anyways because it was singing to me.
I placed the lovely mums in my bucket, next to the lisianthus and bronzed fennel, and suddenly my floral arrangement was born. The magenta gomphrena and celosia were forgotten in that instant as I saw the colors of the mum pop even more under the complimented whites and bronze of the lisianthus and fennel.
I knew exactly what to get next, heading for some browned lisianthus, black scabiosa, red berries, and greens that were turning pink.
That is what I love about my arrangement. I love that at first, I was headed in a totally different direction, and suddenly was inspired by just one flower. That flower took me on a new, unexpected journey of finding flowers and foraging for greens that either contrasted or complimented the pink mums.
This type of color design is exactly what I've been hoping to achieve in my flowers. On the farm, we have so many colors and textures that it is really hard to stick to one group when putting together an arrangement. Don't get me wrong, I love ALL of our options, but sometimes I lose the magic if I'm using too many textures and colors.
Below are some pictures I took of my arrangement. I hope you enjoy and learned a little bit about the process of picking out flowers and greens for your floral arrangements.